Anatomy course of the temporomandibular, -facial and –neural region
This course focuses on the anatomy oft he temporomandibular, -cervical, -facial and –neural region and is an “update” in the functional anatomy, which mainly will be demonstrated on anatomical preparations.
- Functional anatomy of the temporomandibular joint and the functional correlation with the masticatory system
- Anatomy of the skullbase and the functional correlation with the neuro- meningeal structures and the cranial nerves
- Construction of the cranial nerves and functional correlations
- The craniocervical spine: Relationship, function and anatomy
There is time for your questions concerning the functional relationships in this area.

Facial expression
Facial expression and laterality, Assessment, Evaluation and Rehabilitation
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Examination and preparation
Aim of the certification is to assess, if the capabilities of the craniofacial..
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Update Craniofacial Dysfunction and Pain
This advanced course provides a comprehensive update of the knowledge and skills ...