Cesar Fernandez 100 133Dr. César Fernández de las Peñas currently works in the Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.

He is a qualified Physical Therapist, has two Ph.D. degrees, one in Biomedical Sciences and gained his Doctoral Degree in Medical Sciences, at Aalborg University, Denmark.

He has published more than 200 publications and he is first author of approximately 140 of them. Most papers concentrate on clinical human pain research, drug screening and interaction between motor control and chronic pain. The most relevant topics of his research is focus on neck pain, headache and neuro-physiological effects of manual therapy 

The research activities are concentrated on biomedical sciences within neuroscience. The specific research areas have been on pain and assessment of pain in volunteers and chronic pain patients. The main focus is on human clinical chronic pain research. A substantial network of international collaborations with 5 different countries has been established with universities and hospitals.

He has participated in 50 conferences with related published abstracts/ proceedings and he has given several lectures at Spanish and foreign universities and hospitals. He has given around 40 invited lectures at international meetings/workshops/seminars. 

He has 12 years of university teaching and he has achieved experience by teaching physiotherapists, and he has held specializing-courses for medical doctors within neurology and orthopedics.




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