Susan Armijo Olivo 100 133Prof. Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo has a Bsc in Physical therapy (PT) from the Pontifical University Catholic of Chile, a MSc PT and a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Alberta.
She is currently a Professor for Physiotherapy on the University of Applied Science in Osnabrück (Germany) and an adjunct Professor in the Faculties of Rehabilitation Medicine and Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta, Canada.

Her major field of research is diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of patients with musculoskeletal pain especially temporomandibular disorders and cervical spine disorders along with physical therapy evidence-based practice, knowledge synthesis and knowledge translation in health research areas.

Dr. Armijo-Olivo is interested in optimize and validate methods used to synthesize research, and to conduct high quality research particularly in the area of allied health professions. One of the specific clinical areas she is interested in is the association between cervical spine, stomatognathic system, and orofacial pain, especially temporomandibular disorders. Within this area, she has published numerous articles and book chapters recognized internationally.

She has received very prestigious awards within the University of Alberta and from the Canadian government such as the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Sir Frederick Banting and Dr Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship. For her post-doctoral program, she received the most prestigious fellowship provided in Canada to a fellow: “the Sir Frederick Banting Fellowship”




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